GTS iFITT Program
GTS iFITT program is a diet & exercise program especially for people who are suffering from PCOD, infertility, obesity, metabolic syndrome, fatty liver, heart disease etc. It is also for people who are committed to stay fit.
It is available both online / offline  and personal / group classes
No Excuses AND Â Accessible Everywhere!
Benefits of Online Weight Loss Program
Online weight loss programs provides you freedom of Accessibility. You don’t need to drive down to the gym/ wellness centre every day. It is all provided with a click of a button. The program can be followed from anywhere. All you need is a smartphone, good internet connection and NO NEED for expensive gym equipments.

Cross Fit


Healthy diet plan


For more details, please fix an appointment by calling 044-26224224,044 48646636,044-26223177 + 91 8300170026 or by sending email to