GTS Regenerative Program/ Orthobiologic Program
What Is Regenerative medicine?
Regenerative Medicine and orthobiologics are an advancing area of medical treatment. Regenerative/ Orthobiologics are tissue-derived compounds that are naturally found in your body. They’re made of complex carbohydrates, proteins, cells and glycoproteins. They are used in different concentrations and targeted to specific areas under ultrasound guidance like painful ligaments, tendon insertions, joint spaces with the goal of reducing pain and promoting tissue repair , growth and healing and preventing degeneration.
Treatment may decrease the need for pain medication, accelerate healing, and improve recovery. These treatments may also be an alternative to surgery

Ultrasound guided orthobiologic treatment

For more details, please fix an appointment by calling 044-26224224,044 48646636,044-26223177 + 91 8300170026 or by sending email to