GTS Heart Wellness Program
``VASCULAR HEALTH TEST” : This is a unique test that helps to detect changes within the blood vessels 5 - 15 years before changes are noted in ECG, ECHO and treadmill. The test provides us your vascular age which is one of the key indicators for heart attack and stroke. This is also called Vascular Age Test and also provides you with a personalized cardiac risk score card.
This is a combination of Basic master health check plus vascular health assessment. People with the following disorder should get the vascular health check
- Stress.
- Smoking.
- Diabetes.
- Asian origin.
- Hypertension.
- High cholesterol.
- Obese/overweight.
- Metabolic syndrome.
- Family history of heart disease or stoke.
Know your arteries

How is it done?
Vascular age testing is simple ultrasound procedure. Using harmless ultrasound, a doctor measures the thickness of the blood vessel wall that supplies blood to the brain called carotid artery. From the thickness and through a mathematical formulation VASCULAR AGE is estimated.

For more details, please fix an appointment by calling 044-26224224,044 48646636,044-26223177 + 91 8300170026 or by sending email to